Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Statement on developments with the Ibori trial at Asaba, Nigeria and the adjournment of the case against his associates at Southwark Crown Court

Ladies and Gentlemen of the Press, Respect Nigerians Coalition as an organization believes in the inviolable principle of civilized justice, which states that every accused person is innocent until proven guilty. So, on that basis, we have no case against James Ibori, the former Governor of Delta State and his sister and associates on trial in Nigeria and the United Kingdom, because, as far as we know, they are yet to be convicted of any offence. However, we do have serious reservations about how the case against Ibori is being conducted in Asaba, Nigeria. We have followed the case closely and strongly believe that it is a sad example of how a case should not be prosecuted, defended or adjudicated.As citizens and stakeholders in the wellbeing of our nation, we, like most Nigerians, feel very strongly about the issue of political or public sector corruption and the obvious harm it’s done and is still doing to our body politic. Indeed, it is something that hardworking and law-abiding citizens of every nation must take seriously. For instance, figures released by the United Nations just a few days ago indicate that political corruption costs countries as much as £951 billion ($1.6 trillion) every year! It is nothing short of crime against humanity, because it not only kills development, it kills people en mass! As defenders of the integrity of Nigeria and Nigerians, be they at home or abroad, we believe that such a disease that has blighted the life of our nation so terribly must be fought to a standstill in any forum.