Monday, November 16, 2009

Petition over the involvement of Hon. Justice Bode Rhodes-Vivour in ca/l/866m/2009: Chief Olabode George & ors v f.r.n.

We are solicitors to the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission that is the Respondent in the above-mentioned appeal (prosecuting on behalf of the Federal Republic of Nigeria). We write on its behalf.

My Lord, on Monday, October 26, 2009, a Lagos High Court (Criminal Division) presided by the Hon. Justice Olubunmi Oyewole gave judgment in Charge No. ID/71C/08 in which the Appellants above, (who were Defendants at the Court below) were found guilty on 47-Counts of offences bothering on abuse of office (by splitting contracts in public office), disobedience of lawful orders, and conspiracy. They were sentenced to two years for some of the offences and six months for some others - all to run concurrently.

Pursuant to their constitutional right, they have appealed to this Honourable Court by filing Notices of Appeal at the Court below. They also simultaneously filed motions for bail at the lower court, pending their appeal. However, on Monday, November 9, 2009, the lower court, presided over by Justice Olubunmi Oyewole dismissed all the applications.