Monday, November 2, 2009

Andy Uba; who is blackmailing the Appeal Court Judges?

Andy Uba is right to go back to court if he believes that the court decision was arrived at fraudulently. Peter obi is right to cry foul at what seems an attempt to resurrect an issue the court has already decided. I am right to criticise Andy Uba for engaging in a course I believe is an abuse of court processes; But the Appeal Court Judges should be allowed to decide “without fear or favour, affection or ill-will”.
Andy Uba; who is blackmailing the Appeal Court Judges?
As the battle for the governorship of Anambra State shifts to the appeal Court next week, a strange and dangerous dimension has been introduced to the case brought by Andy Uba for the interpretation of the tenure of Mr Peter Obi, the Governor of Anambra State. Uba wants the court to declare him “a governor-in-waiting”. But some characters have already decided what the court decision will be.
Rather than allow the courts as independent arbiters to give their judgement free from Undue influence, these characters have taken it upon themselves to influence the direction of judgement. Their aim is to fetter the courts discretion.
In a widely circulated missive on the internet, one Mr Ode Murphy declared that the Court of Appeal sitting in Enugu has moved the day for judgement on Andy Governor-in-Waiting case from the 5th to the 6th of November.