Saturday, October 10, 2009

Nigeria’s Internet Anti-Corruption Fighters

Successive Nigerian governments have developed such thick skin that neither public opposition nor public demonstration inspires a change of heart if it is not accompanied by extreme violence
Nigeria’s Internet Anti-Corruption Fighters Our project explores the effectiveness of naming and shaming as an anti-corruption strategy. It is clear that the federal Government of Nigeria and the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission, EFCC, shies away from prosecuting corrupt politically exposed persons.
Purported Corruption prosecution merely remains a potent strategy to destroy political opposition. Despite that, Nigerians have decided to take their destiny in their hands by exposing every witnessed acts of corruption. Yes, you may escape prosecution today, but how would you tell what an incoming administration would do?
Post-Ribadu, there appears to be a consciousness or what I call, FEAR, that the day of reckoning might come one day. Experience has shown that the political class has grown sensitive to being popularly perceived as being corrupt. This is demonstrated by the extent they go to counter public perception that they are corrupt.
Many politicians hire internet rats that crawl the internet sites and online forums to defend their name when their rapacious exploits are exposed; Tony Eluemunor is a veritable example. The extent he will goes to defend his master, James Ibori; the corrupt former governor of Delta State against known allegations of corruption is admirable. Had he devoted that amount of effort thinking up strategies to develop the country, Nigeria would beat Japan!