Tuesday, October 6, 2009

France's Role in Gabon's Politics Unchanged

The clashes that erupted following Gabon's disputed presidential elections reflect not only anger at the results of the August vote - which proclaimed Ali Bongo the winner - but also at former colonial ruler France. Paris has denied any involvement in the vote, but the unrest raises new questions at what has changed - and what has stayed the same - when it comes to France's relations with its onetime African colonies.

They call it France-Afrique. France's historically close - critics argue suffocatingly close - relations with its former African colonies, and sometimes with African strongmen and undemocratic regimes. Few ties have been closer than those between France and Gabon, particularly under long-time Gabonese leader Omar Bongo.

Mr. Bongo died in June. And last week, Gabonese authorities announced his son - former defense minister Ali Bongo - had won August presidential elections to succeed him.