Sunday, October 25, 2009

Disband the Nigerian judiciary today

The Nigerian judiciary is in a total mess and needs to be urgently saved from itself through immediate disbandment. These fellows who giddily address themselves as “learned friends” are indeed some of the greatest clowns and jokers on God’s earth. Andy Uba’s backdoor quest to be foisted on Anambra State as an unconstitutional “governor-in-waiting” is about to get judicial blessing courtesy of the Court of Appeal.
Sir Celestine Omehia who was sacked as Rivers State Governor by the Supreme Court has thus been heartened to return to the selfsame Supreme Court, asking it to eat its own vomit by reversing its earlier verdict. Anarchy has been loosed on the Nigerian judiciary, and one cannot stop laughing at the Alawada theatre blokes of the wig and gown profession. They are masquerading as the last hope of the common man when they are indeed the foot mat of corrupt politicians.Who needs a judiciary that does not know that a case ought to have an endpoint? The Supreme Court has apparently ceased to be the apex court in the land; whence the Andy Uba gambit of going back to the Appeal Court when the Supreme Court had ruled that he ab initio contested for a non-vacant position. All the legal rigmarole being manufactured here and there to cover up the shenanigans of the so-called Uba appeal only amounts to a death-knell for the Nigerian judiciary.