Sunday, February 7, 2010

The resignation of Prof. Akunyili will be a victory for retrogressive forces

Providence and altruistic ethical and moralistic personal responsibilities have once more thrust the truthful captainship of Nigeria’s axiological path and apophthegm on a person of Igbo extraction to act as the conscience of the sinking Nigerian nation. In a country where loyalty to oil blocks and licenses, kick-backs, quid pro quo, and brazen embezzlement are the norm, it did not surprise a handful of us when the brave and courageous Dora Nkem Akunyili stood-up for the “truth”. Courage is not lacking in Igboland, and Nigeria’s history is replete with courageous acts by sons and daughters of Ndi-Igbo. From the Nwanyeruwa instigated 1929 Aba women’s revolt, to the winning of Nigeria’s independence by Nnamdi Azikiwe with pure and natural intelligence from the British without a single gun shot being fired, to the actual prediction of the events of today’s Nigeria by a 33 year old Emeka Odumegwu Ojukwu. Even when two super powers, Britain and the Soviet Union, with all their weapons of mass destruction like napalm and other sophisticated military weaponry, expertise, and intelligence network, economic blockade and starvation of innocent old men, women and children; Ndi-Igbo stood truthfully firm and fought all the Nigerian ethnic nationalities with their two murderous collaborating super powers for three years. At the end, notwithstanding that the Igboland of Port Harcourt, Calabar and other sea ports were criminally stolen from Ndi-Igbo; the hard work, ingenuity, good sportsmanship, individual and collective commitment to the Nigerian nation have neither diminished nor withered away. Ndi-Igbo have continued and will continue to serve and act as the conscience of a morally depraved, ethically felonious and crime prone Nigeria, a country that is truly accursed by the spirits of Biafra’s dead.

Nigeria’s Information and Communications Minister, Dora Nkem Akunyili, has been in the news lately. Her prominence is not predicated on the subversion and inversion of the Constitution – à la Michael Aondoakaa, or for taking a Supplementary budget to Saudi Arabia to be assented to by a biologically dead president - à la David Edevbie, or for paying exorbitant attorney fees for the joint criminal defense of a wife and a mistress – à la James Ibori. Her recent adulation is for a cause that every parent, husband, sons and daughters, kit and kin and all lovers of decency, probity, truthfulness, honesty, accountability and reverence toward God would take a joyous delight in. Prof. Akunyili has redeemed herself and made her nation very proud. At the end of a dark and corruption infested tunnel, there always is a light, no matter how dim and how weak. A ray of hope gives Nigerians a very shaky believe that all hopes are not lost. And Prof. Akunyili today is that ray of hope.

Our dear country is a country manifestly rich in evil and devious scheming. A country where the light of truth is easily and ruthlessly extinguished without remorse. A country where evil triumphs with a thunderous applause by professional leeches. A country where callousness is the order of the day. A country where good men and women are abundant but are dominated by rotten, amoral, dishonorable, vice-laden, unconscienced and intellectually defective and villainous goons, scummy, tainted, yecchy, wormy, reechy, mephitic, scurfy and nidorous bunch that reign and dictate the affairs of the nation. But as in all things with a beginning and an end, the end of mass deception, unmitigated lies and personal ambition over country will surely end.