Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Behold, A Rat! Or Can’t You Smell It?

The latest in today on the shameful concert a-stage in Abuja is from the Arewa Consultative Forum. The ACF would want the clause in the “Constitution” on incapacitation of the President to be respected. It wants Mr. Goodluck Jonathan to be allowed to assume the mantle of power as president given Mr. Musa Yar’Adua’s continuing health-related incapacitation and abdication. I don’t know about you, but even though I’m not a rat, I do smell rat here. It doesn’t take a genius talk less a class in introductory political science for anyone to discern that the same line-up of individuals who hold the realization of genuine democratic transformation in Nigeria hostage are scrambling again to abort the current opportunity to achieve that necessary condition for Nigeria’s progress and development. They all know that the game they play so well is up again. They are ever busy now scrambling to salvage the rump yet another time. Mr. Olusegun Obasanjo’s shameless “God punish me” response to a question in Abuja the other day, and the excursion to Abuja by the so-called Elders last week, are all indicators of the same desperation to abort by the line-up. People of goodwill must not allow them to succeed this time.

That Yar’Adua has been badly compromised on health grounds to hold up the trough that these characters feed off to the detriment of the peoples of Nigeria and their over all destinies is not lost on them. That, has been evident from the time it has taken them to scramble up counting from the day he went out on a stretcher in the middle of the night more than two months ago to Saudi Arabia. Did it slip their minds that the relevant clause that should apply in this case in the “Constitution” they produced in 1999 and brandished in our name must be triggered into effect? They have been busy tinkering to see how much time they can buy to sustain the status quo. The tide has turned on them, and they know it too. That’s why they have signaled their readiness now to move to their next act of holding true democratic transformation in Nigeria hostage. We must stop them this time.