Wednesday, January 20, 2010

No room for evil to breathe in 2010

What a year this is! In fact the exigencies of 2009 never gave Nigerians the time to shut down on the old year and prepare for the new one. From the punch of the economic crunch to the breakdown in service delivery, no fuel, no light, no food and then the dirt being kicked into our eyes by those brewing one controversy after another in a bid to profit from the circumstances created by the health status of our ailing president there was no room for a breather! Don’t even think about enjoying the little time tucked into the Christmas and the New Year holidays. Too much for a people to grapple with; too much for no good course. What impunity on the part of those who dare to visit such torture on our psyche. What cruelty on from those we gave the opportunity to serve us in very high places. Never mind the fact that most of these people were either rigged into such opportunities or were appointed by those who rigged their way to power, we gave them the opportunity because we failed to resist them when they began their evil manifestations from the word go.

Today Nigerians at home and abroad are trooping out to protest the political impasse created by the sick president, I wish we could turn back the hands of the clock to 1993 when the fairest elections we ever had were annulled. Of course there were protests that yielded some great results but how I wish we had the show of agree and solidarity from the larger public that we have today! I also wish I could turn back the hands of the clock to 2006/2007 when Gen Olusegun Obasanjo started scripting this Yar’adua drama that we all have become willy-nilly actors; actors in a tragedy that’s set in our own lives! How in the world has this come to be?

Drama everywhere! Innocent people on a Christmas day flight have a technical fault to thank for the air they still breathe. I’m trying not to get personal on that issue because at that point I begin to wonder who should take the blame for the making of a stray terrorist! I’ll allow discipline schedule that for another day. I will also try not to join deal with the controversial claims to the presence of terrorists in our country. Semantics and sentiments complicate issues and slur judgments.