Saturday, January 9, 2010

Is president Yar’adua dead?

The Nigerian President Umar Yar’Adua has been away from duty since November 2009. The rumor about his health is as strong as that about his death. In the news, one could see statements such as “The president is sound and fit”; “President Yar’Adua spoke with the Vice-President, Senate President, and Speaker of the House of Representatives.” It is curious that President Yar’Adua could “speak” with those three Nigerian officials and not care to put through a call and speak with President Obama of USA about the recent terrorism event involving a Nigerian, which has made Nigeria to be included in the list of countries of interest to the USA with regard to terrorism.

Will it not be correct to claim that President Yar’Adua, who reportedly “spoke” with the three Nigerians mentioned above, did not know of the efforts by the Nigerian to bomb an airline, and the fallout of the action? Even if he did not know about it, which would be strange for someone who is “alive and well” and able to engage in three phone conversations with three different people on the same day, didn’t any of those three Nigerians raise the issue with him, especially considering the “ultimatum” issued to the American government by the Nigerian legislature? If President Yar’Adua knew about the bomb affair and the resultant inclusion of Nigeria in the ignoble list that has generated a lot of anger among some Nigerians, and yet did not deem it necessary to call up President Obama could this not be interpreted as one more piece of evidence that President Yar’Adua is selfish and only cares about himself, his position, and power? Assuming President Yar’Adua was able to engage in the phone conversations that he reportedly did, and he did not send a single message to Nigerians, especially those who have been “praying” for him (none of the three officials conveyed to Nigerians any goodwill messages from Yar’Adua for the new year) would it not be appalling and buttress the perception that this president has no regard for Nigerians and their feelings?