Friday, December 18, 2009

For Ibori's prosecution Aondoakaa must resign

The Benue people are people of integrity an ethnic group that uphold the ethics and morality of life. What baffles my imagination is how the present Attorney General of the Federation will put the hard earned reputation built by the Benue leaders to public ridicule for his selfish motive and greed for materialistic quest for wealth. You will all agree that the likes of J.S TARKAA, fought gallantly for the emancipation of the present middle Beltans, where we are day. Sorry for taking readers back, a little. But it’s for the sake of clarity. The appointment of KAASE MIKE AONDOAKAA was a hope for the anti grafts agencies and Nigerians in general, more so that he was coming from a background that has no political history. Hopes were high. Today, the young man has become a barrier for the fight against corruption. The exoneration of Ibori from all the charges leveled against him by the EFCC did not come as a surprise to me because of the corrupt issues surrounding the AGF. He was first petitioned by the committee for the Defence of Human Right, CDHR. Many thought it was political, later he was fingered as Ibori, s protector. Then sentiments came in that the Yoruba’s are interested in the office just to deviate from the truth. But here we are today, knowing fully well that Ibori is guilty of the charges leveled against him, but the AGF hired assassin Justice MARCEL AWOKULEHIN of the FHC Asaba delivered a kangaroo judgment in favour of Ibori just to please his master AGF. No wonder the minister is no disposed to the issue of Special Court . (AGF AONDOAKAA) YOU MUST GO. ALI MUST GO WILL REPEAT ITSELF.